Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lazy Summer Sundays

Last Sunday I went out to finally buy contact lenses after years of wearing glasses that make me look nerdy. It was still February, but one could already feel the onset of summer as it was scorching here in the city.

Since it was Sunday, I put together a casual, "lazy Sunday" look that would also look nice during the summer time.

 I had to shoo away curious bystanders.

This "Bruno Mars" hat I got from a - I guess you could call the guy a "beach hawker" for lack of a better term - in Boracay last month for 150 thousand pesos. Panama hats are ubiquitous, you could buy them anywhere. Unfortunately, everyone who wants to look cool and hip wears them.

The short-sleeved shirt is from Monakiki. Something about the name Monakiki makes me want to type it a thousand times. MONAKIKI MONAKIKI MONAKIKI MONAKIKI MONAKIKI MONAKIKI MONAKIKI MONAKIKI ALRIGHT DAMMIT I'LL STOP! I got this a few years ago. Let the first button be unbuttoned, but if you have chest hair like Sergio Santibanez, go ahead, unbutton the first three then.

Sergio Santibanez chest hair. Dropping women's panties everywhere since 1995. 

Underneath is a white tanktop or a wifebeater. A few years ago I didn't know that a wifebeater and tanktop is just a goddamn sando. If you're a guy who sweats like he works in the field to send his eight kids to school, wifebeaters are a necessity to avoid sweatmarks.

Since I'm wearing brown topsiders I'm also wearing a brown belt (clue: it's not a coincidence) that I got from a street vendor. I know that the hip thing now is the belt-less look but I think belts make you look more manly and refined. Just ask Macho Man Randy Savage (RIP).

Belts. Attracting chicks since time immemorial.

The shorts are from Old Navy. Old Navy is quite expensive. I got mine from a flea market along Commonwealth Avenue. Guys, listen. Khaki shorts or chino shorts should be above the knee. Longer than that and it's too long.

Topsiders has been an "in" thing recently, along with loafers and driving shoes. The topsiders  that I'm wearing here, or "boat shoes" as some men prefer to call them, I bought cheap from a mall. Boat shoes, loafers, and driving shoes are  typically worn without socks. If you worry about having sweaty feet because of wearing no socks, you could cheat by sporting "no show" socks like mocc socks, like this one:

This was supposed to be rotated counterclockwise, but I couldn't.

When I first encountered mocc socks I was hesitant because they look like ballet flats, and no self-respecting man wears ballet flats the last time I checked. But when I started using them I was glad that they really keep your feet dry. This is such a big payback for whatever little indignity one gets for wearing a thing that looks like footwear for pussies.

And of course to complete the look - Rayban Wayfarers. Like the "Bruno Mars" hat, wayfarers have become ubiquitous and is sported  by anyone and everyone. It's not that bad; it's just a testament to its versatility. Just wear black ones to be safe, anything else and you'd look like a pansy.

Wearing colored wayfarers have been documented to induce random  beatings from strangers.

I got all of them cheap. If they weren't I wouldn't have worn them.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

An Introduction to Pinoy Style Ninja

This should have been my first post.

Why a men’s style blog? We all know that generally men in the internet are more inclined to view tits and asses rather than be interested in personal grooming or wardrobe. I believe however that the blog Flesh Asia Daily already fulfills that vital niche quite well.

There is a lack, however, of a style blog especially catered for Filipino men. For example, it is quite impractical for us to be following foreign men’s style blogs that discusses the merits of layering or wearing three piece suits since we live in a tropical country.

It is my personal belief that looking nice does not have to be gay. Nor does it have to be expensive. Real men generally don’t spend that much in personal appearance. I am of that persuasion too. You don’t have to look great to women. You just have to look presentable enough so that they won’t regret hooking up with you the morning after they sober up.

I am after all an average guy with interests in ogling (read “stalking”) bikini pictures of chicks in their Facebook accounts and getting hammered with alcohol. I used to keep a blog narrating my drunken escapades Tucker Max-style.

Ninja in internet parlance means someone who is an “expert” in things. I’m using expert in a very loose sense here. I admit that I am not yet a master ninja when it comes to personal style. I see myself as more as an apprentice ninja. I am still developing and refining my personal style. It is a learning process.  This blog therefore is a work in progress.

Pinoy Style Ninja is written in a relaxed, tongue-in-cheek manner. I may utilize crass guy humor that bros may appreciate but which may offend female readers who have the misfortune of running into this blog. Female readers, you have been warned.

That aside, I hope you guys enjoy reading.

In case you're wondering, yes that is a t-shirt that I used as a ninja cowl in my profile photo.

*Fist bump*

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wallets (First. Post. Ever.)

I recently bought a new wallet to replace my old one (I do not know whether my old wallet is genuine or faux leather but since it was bought cheap let's assume it's faux) from Natasha. My old wallet has become tattered, crumbly and stinky. Nevertheless it has served me well. It was after all, the temporary lodging place of the millions of pesos I earned from years past. 

Farewell, O Nirvana of Ephemeral Medium of Exchange!

One thing that came to mind while I was searching for this here wallet's worthy replacement is that this accessory holds your important shit - money, IDs, condoms and your suki card from those "hotels" in Pasig. So the wallet that I must choose must above all be safe from pickpockets. You see, my old wallet was a long black one that became stylish years ago. Whenever I put it in my back pocket it sticks out of my ass. And living in the city, we are all aware how a mere sight of someone else's wallet attracts Dhalsim-like larcenists like a zombie horde.

I was in a hurry (as all important, busy men are) so I had no time to be whiny about it. I chose a black leather wallet (again, no telling whether it's genuine or not as yours truly is not a leather connoisseur) from McJim worth 50 thousand pesos.

The way it bulges you could tell that inside of it is a thick wad of cash - and lots of hot air in between.

I chose a black one again because almost all of my  accessories are black. Black always looks classy and elegant. The same goes with a black leather wallet - it will look good with anything you're wearing, be it khakis, jeans or slacks. You can use it while wearing formal or casual clothing. You could even stuff it in your butt crack when you're naked.


My lolo once told me about the virtues of keeping the first old and beaten wallet. You could use it as a decoy so that  you could hide your real income from the authorities (your wife) and the less fortunate (beggars and would-be debtors). Needless to say, my lolo is a wise man.