should have been my first post.
a men’s style blog? We all know that generally men in the internet are more inclined
to view tits and asses rather than be interested in personal grooming or
wardrobe. I believe however that the blog Flesh Asia Daily already fulfils that
niche quite well.
is a lack, however, of a style blog specially catered for Filipino men. For
example, it is quite impractical for us to be following foreign men’s style
blogs that discusses the merits of layering or wearing three piece suits since
we live in a tropical country.
is my personal belief that looking nice does not have to be gay. Nor does it
have to be expensive. Real men generally don’t spend that much in personal
appearance. I am of that persuasion too. You don’t have to look great to women.
You just have to look presentable enough so that they won’t regret hooking up
with you the morning after.
am after all an average guy with interests in ogling (read “stalking”) bikini
pictures of chicks in their Facebook accounts and getting hammered with
alcohol. I used to keep a blog narrating my drunken escapades Tucker Max-style.
in internet parlance means someone who is an “expert” in things. I’m using
expert in a very loose sense here. I admit that I am not yet a master ninja when
it comes to personal style. I see myself as more as an apprentice ninja. I am
still developing and refining my personal style. It is a learning process. This blog therefore is a work in progress.
Style Ninja is written in a relaxed, tongue-in-cheek manner. I may utilize
crass guy humor that bros may appreciate but which may offend female readers
who have the misfortune of running into this blog. Female readers, you have
been warned.
That aside, I hope you guys enjoy reading.
In case you're wondering, yes that is a t-shirt that I used as a ninja cowl in my profile photo.
*Fist bump*
That aside, I hope you guys enjoy reading.
In case you're wondering, yes that is a t-shirt that I used as a ninja cowl in my profile photo.
*Fist bump*
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